Friday, December 4, 2009


This morning I woke up at 7:41 am and guess what I saw.... SNOW! Not much, but enough to make me wake up Momma for a brisk walk. As excited as I was, it was too cold to even make it to the end of the block. I should've worn my sweater.

I'm feeling much more rebellious this morning than most days. I refused to go back to bed once I was sitting on my couch in the living room. Then I attempted to eat Mom's boots, her fleece, and my blanket. She wasn't too happy about that. The first second I got alone, I stole her knitting needles and yarn (one of my favorite things to steal) and that made her even angrier. To show her who's boss, I started barking as loud as I could until she gave me a bowl of food. I win every time because I am the alpha male.

Mom read online that showing me her teeth when I'm bad will establish her role as my master, but I know better than that. No matter what she does, I know I am still in charge because I have a pudding face and she can't say 'no' to me.

Sometimes Mom talks to me about my predecessor, Fawn. She has pictures of Fawn in frames around our house which makes me jealous. Fawn was a Cocker Spaniel (RIP) and she grew up with my mom. I guess that would make her my aunt, but she passed away a few years ago from being reaaaaally old. Mom said that when Fawn was my age, she was devious and rebellious too! She hopes I might grow out of this phase in a year or so. I am determined to prove her wrong. After all, I am a puggle!

This wild morning I've had has started to make me sleepy. Maybe I'll take a nap and let Mom take one too...

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